Installation view

Reverse Cycle, Acrylic, binder, screen print on board, 120 x 90 x 5cm, 2020

Melting Zeros/ Reverse Cycle, Acrylic, binder and screen print on board, 120 x 90 x 2cm, 2020

Installation view

Untitled 2018, Untitled 2019

Untitled 2018, Untitled 2019

Untitled, Watercolour, acrylic, pencil pigment print, 43 x 30cm, 2019

Untitled, Watercolour, acrylic, pencil pigment print, 43 x 30cm, 2018

Arena #2 (Detail), Bronze, steel, 110 x 200 x 30cm, 2014

Floral Arrangement, Wood, cement, gravel, liquid nails, foam, plaster, bisque fired earthenware clay, paint and spray paint, 48 x 30 x 23cm, 2020

Wall Nut, Wood, liquid nails, gap filler, paint, oil sticks and beads, 102 x 45 x 28cm, 2020

Wall Nut, Wood, liquid nails, gap filler, paint, oil sticks and beads, 102 x 45 x 28cm, 2020

A Sudden Outburst, Wood, plaster, bisque fired earthenware clay, pigment, confetti, paint, spray paint and gap filler, 45 x 35 x 30cm, 2020

Installation view
Reverse Cycle, Acrylic, binder, screen print on board, 120 x 90 x 5cm, 2020
Melting Zeros/ Reverse Cycle, Acrylic, binder and screen print on board, 120 x 90 x 2cm, 2020
Installation view
Untitled 2018, Untitled 2019
Untitled 2018, Untitled 2019
Untitled, Watercolour, acrylic, pencil pigment print, 43 x 30cm, 2019
Untitled, Watercolour, acrylic, pencil pigment print, 43 x 30cm, 2018
Arena #2 (Detail), Bronze, steel, 110 x 200 x 30cm, 2014
Floral Arrangement, Wood, cement, gravel, liquid nails, foam, plaster, bisque fired earthenware clay, paint and spray paint, 48 x 30 x 23cm, 2020
Wall Nut, Wood, liquid nails, gap filler, paint, oil sticks and beads, 102 x 45 x 28cm, 2020
Wall Nut, Wood, liquid nails, gap filler, paint, oil sticks and beads, 102 x 45 x 28cm, 2020
A Sudden Outburst, Wood, plaster, bisque fired earthenware clay, pigment, confetti, paint, spray paint and gap filler, 45 x 35 x 30cm, 2020